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The RMZ Air Line Wiper is designed to replace the traditional hydraulically activated line wiper in low pressure operations or to work alongside it in high pressure operations. Compressed air is focused on the cable through nozzles drilled in [...]

The RMZ Floor Stand For Hay Pulley is designed to keep Hay Pulley Sheave in position and protect the wireline from damage should the hay pulley fall down. It direct the wire from winch to Grease Injection head or Stuffing Box.

The RMZ Hydraulic Wireline Annular Valve is designed to seal on a static cable under pressure and is recommended for “Safety while Logging” applications and for perforating with large guns. Positioned above the drilling BOP, or a “Shooting Nip [...]

The RMZ Hydraulic Quick Disconnect is design to allow remote disconnect of high-pressure hose via hydraulic means. Hydraulic Quick Connect is most suitable to be used with pump line or flow line connections between the platform and the floater [...]

The RMZ Compact Pack Off assembly is designed to seal against moving or static slick cable under pressure. Hydraulic powered piston squeeze the independent rubber element which is wrapped around the wire. The element seals on the cable against [...]

The RMZ GS Type Pulling/Running Tool is designed to locate in standard internal fishing necks. To engage the GS Pulling/Running Tool, a sit-down weight is required for automatic engagement. To release the tool, downward jarring activates the r [...]

The RMZ Wireline Stem serves a dual purpose. It provides the necessary weight to overcome the effects of friction, fluid viscosity and pressure. It also provides the kinetic energy which is converted into upward and downward jarring force.

The RMZ Wireline Rope Socket-Pear Drop is the uppermost component in a wireline toolstring and forms an essential link between the toolstring and the wire. It incorporates a tapered plug (pear drop) which is grooved to accommodate the wireline [...]